Center Focus
Traditional Pumpkin Pie
- You will need a good recipe for pumpkin pie - you should have the directions written on butcher paper along with pictures for younger students. Here is one recipe you can use. You will probably want to get a parent helper for this center.
- You will also need all of the necessary measuring spoons and cups, but you may want to have students improvise a little in order to do measurement conversions.
- Have them work together in groups to make the pie with as little input from a parent or adult as possible.
- You will need an oven, of course, so ask the cafeteria for a good time where you can use the oven or you may be able to get ahold of a portable oven or microwave/convection oven.
- To give your kids even more practice with cooking, baking, and measuring, you can have them make the pie shell from scratch too.
- Make sure to have whip cream available!