Center Focus
Balloon Rocket
- You will need long balloons, string cut in 20 foot sections, metric tape, soda straws, scissors, tape, paper clips and scrap paper for this activity.
- Have the following set-up instructions posted for your students:
- Cut the straw in half.
- Place the string through the straw and tie each end to a chair. Pull the chairs apart as far as they can go.
- Blow up the balloon, twist the end, and close it with a paper clip.
- Attach the balloon to the soda straw with tape so that the paper-clipped end of the balloon is facing one of the chairs.
- They will then make a chart with circumference of balloon vs. distance balloon goes. They then measure the balloon, take off the paper clip and let it go. Have them do this with 4 or 5 different sizes and record their findings.
- Then let them experiment with adding weight, fins or nose cones made from scrap paper, etc. Have them record these findings as well.
- Have them make a conclusion about their findings. Did they have one design that worked especially well? What didn't work?