Center Focus
How Does Soap Affect Bubbles?
- You will need straws, dish soap, water, a one-quart measuring cup, containers, a timer and towels for this center.
- Have 4 bubble solutions ready for your kids: 1 quart of water of water mixed with 1 tsp soap, 2 tbsp soap, 5 tbsp soap, and 10 tbsp soap. Label each of these a different color, but don't let your class know what they are.
- Your kids will need to make a simple recording chart to compare the 4 bubble solutions and plain water. They will be blowing bubbles in each with a straw and timing how long they last.
- They can work with partners to obtain the data. They should each blow twice for each solution while the other student records the time. The longest-lasting bubble is the one to be recorded on the chart.
- Students should make a final graph to show the Solution vs. Time Bubble Remains.
- They also need to make a conclusion about their results.
- Why do they think one solution worked better?
- What makes bubbles last longer? Pop rapidly?
- What do they think each mixture was made of?
- As a closure to this activity, tell students what was in each bottle, compare the graphs, and discuss conclusions.