Interactive Bulletin Boards
Crossword Puzzle
Create a crossword board on white butcher paper using black marker. Use words related to your thematic study or vocabulary words that your kids have been studying. Write Across and Down clues on the white paper if you have room on the board. Otherwise include a ditto that has all of the clues on it that you can post near the board. Cut out stencils for each letter and laminate them for future use. You'll want to make more letters than just those that you need so that students can play around with words before they decide what to post. Also, if you laminate the letters and make extras you will be able to do a new crossword with each unit or set of vocabulary words. Keep the letters organized in a show box for easy access. Students can pin the letters on the board or you can punch holes in the letters and place pins in the squares of the crossword so that they may hang the letters.