Digit Place Game
Math Lesson Plan
Students will learn the concept that each digit has its own unique place within the whole number.

chalkboard, chalk
- Begin the activity similar in this manner:
"We're going to play a game. I will pick a number and you will have to guess what it is. We are only going to be using 2-digit numbers. Who can give me an example of a 2-digit number?" Discuss responses. Discuss definition of "digit." - Explain the game as follows:
"I will pick a 2-digit number and you have to guess what it is. I am going to have a chart telling you how many correct digits were in your guess, and how many were in the right place. We will keep guessing numbers based on the previous responses until we get the right number. For example, pretend I chose the number 25, and one of you guessed 51. The chart would then look like this:"Number Digit Place 51 1 0
- Continue with more examples, letting the children explain what to put on the chart. When you feel that the class understands, continue with the activity.
- Play the game as a whole group
- You also may want to let the students play in small groups.
Ask the students why each digit has to be in a certain place to make a number? Are 51 and 15 representing the same amount? Discuss how reversals aren't the same.
Were they able to play the game rationally? Could they explain why each digit has its own unique place?