Thematic Units
Lesson Plans
Class Management
Teaching Toolbox
Thematic Units
Lesson Plans
Class Management
Teaching Toolbox
Bell Work
What’s in Millennium?
How many words can you make out of the word MILLENNIUM?
More Bell Work Ideas
Who’s Winning?
Positive vs. Negative
Antonym Pairing
Amazing Swimmer
Millennium Countdown
"If" Response
Opinion and Fact Statements
Blind Drawing
Don’t Lift Your Pencil
Complete the Patterns
Fractions of an Apple
Poetry in a Box
Describe Your Kitchen
Say More With Less
Unscramble the States
Population Make-up
Describe It
Simple Sketches
History of Halloween
Number Pyramid
Fish Algebra
Word Jumble
Size of a Quarter
Order by Birthdays
The Presidents’ Faces
Remember the Jack-O-Lantern
Fresh vs Hardboiled Eggs
Opposites Attract
The Emperor’s Banquet
U.S. Presidents
The Iditarod
Lucky Signs
Measurements Around the Room
Logo from Memory
Presidents Name Tally
Digits One to Nine
Cover the Nile
Where in the World?
Candy Corn Count
Letter Art
What Could It Be?
Candy Math
Languages of the World
Prepositional Phrases
Number Puzzle 1
Class Percentages
Arm Length
Egg Hunt